Viaduct Bascule Bridge Repairs
Now that the Viaduct Bascule Bridge is over 90 years old, the work and maintenance programme for it requires the decking to be completely replaced
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Wynyard Point Bioremediation Works
Before any development can take place on Wynyard Point, bioremediation work needs to be completed by the lessee of the site (Shell Ltd) to remediate the area from the previous uses.
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Westhaven Seawall Upgrade
As a result of adverse weather events combined with king tides causing extensive damage within Westhaven in recent years, plans are well underway to upgrade Westhaven’s northern reclamation seawall.
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Berth and Public Access Improvements
With Westhaven Marina’s pontoon berths operating at full capacity, there is a growing demand for new walk aboard berths in Auckland.
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Te Ara Tukutuku
Over the next ten years, the northern end of Wynyard Point will be transformed into one of the most beautiful parks and waterfront destinations in Tāmaki Makaurau accessible to all.
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