Wynyard Quarter is now home to a unique laneway that celebrates people and what they can bring to a space. Tīramarama Way, which means ‘to shine, glimmer and light the way’ is now finished in its entirety, with the final section between Beaumont and Daldy Streets now complete and open to the public.
Its completion brings to life the vision of an east-west laneway through the precinct that has been planned since 2012. It represents the waterfront goal to create a ‘connected and liveable waterfront, a place that is highly accessible, easy to get to and to move around in, where people feel connected by improved pedestrian and cycling linkages’.
The laneway is lined with businesses and homes and is a focal point for the community of Wynyard Quarter. It acts as a spine for the neighbourhood and is a place that people can bump into each other on their way to and from work, or as they go for their daily walk.
On any given day or night, if you walk along Tīramarama Way, you’ll notice people using the space as intended. Cycling through, walking their dog, enjoying a coffee, moving from A to B, there’s a real life to this laneway. It’s designed to attract people, and when you walk down it you naturally take note of your surroundings.
The attention to detail that has gone into Tīramarama Way by landscape architects Wraight & Associates, and artist Lisa Reihana is worth celebrating.
Speaking about the project, Landscape Architect Nathan Young recounts:
“We recognised the importance of expressing the site’s whakapapa, the historical and ongoing presence of mana whenua, as well as its future life. Whether it was the laughter of people in the past collecting kai down on the foreshore, or a child playing in a puddle in the future, we wanted the whakapapa of the place to be celebrated throughout”.
The design intentionally reveals the whakapapa (genealogy) of the place by drawing from the historic tidal/water edge beneath, and the underlying geology of this once intertidal environment that was a mahinga kai (food gathering place).
Purposeful puddles are unique to the space with water that rises and falls with the tide and provides an opportunity for play. There are also more than 500,000 sandblasted dots in the ground to depict the waterfront coastline back in 1841, contextualising the space and transporting visitors back in time.
The lighting installation you’ll spot above the laneway celebrates constellations specific to Māori astronomy, including Te Puanga (The Southern Cross) and Matariki (Pleiades star cluster). On the ground beneath the nikau and kowhai trees, the native grasses and groundcovers of kōwharawhara, mikoikoi, rengarenga, shore cotula and remuremu filter the water before it reaches the underground system, helping clean and protect our marine environment.
Its completion represents a Wynyard Quarter that is fast taking shape as intended from years of master planning.
“The completion of Tīramarama Way is a proud achievement for the teams involved in its creation throughout the years,” says Frith Walker, Head of Placemaking at Eke Panuku.
“There have been a lot of amazing minds playing their part in getting it to this point, one in particular I’d like to acknowledge is landscape architect Megan Wraight who passed away in 2020. Her vision can be seen and experienced throughout this magnificent public space and this loved laneway is an amazing legacy to represent her work and talent. We are grateful to all the people who have helped make this place”.